
菲律宾亚星公司 24 3

和孩子一起玩吧 第 289期分享

  文/ 小C麻麻


  边玩边学(Play and learn)是在英国非常推崇的幼儿早教形式。在英国很多幼儿园是不会有固定的教程,而是通过每天玩不同的游戏,让宝宝们学到一定的知识和技能。

  其中通过游戏来进行语言启蒙和帮助宝宝的语言发展是非常有效和值得鼓励的一种方式, 这也是很多语言能力治疗辅导师运用的方法。通过与宝宝一起玩游戏来不断重复和强调一些关键词,从而达到学习的效果。


  下面就简单分享几个游戏,都是我家小C 18个月前常玩的。






  学习名词 “Phone(电话)” “Mummy (妈妈)”

  学习礼貌问候语 “Hello(你好)” “Bye bye(再见)”



  “First we need a phone to make a call”(首先要有电话机才可以打电话)

  “Then we need to dial the phone number, 1,2,3”(然后按要打的电话号码)

  “Ring ring ring, the phone is ringing” (电话响了哦)

  “Charlie is coming to answer the phone”(查理宝宝来接电话哦)

  “dududu, the call now is connected”(嘟嘟嘟,电话接通了哦)

  “Hello, Charlie speaking”(喂,你好, 我是查理宝宝)


  “Who is calling?”(请问是谁啊?)

  “It’s mummy”(是妈妈)


  “Mummy misses you so much”(妈妈好想宝宝啊)

  “Charlie, do you miss mummy?”(宝宝在家有没有想妈妈啊?)

  “oh, I know, Charlie misses mummy”(哦,宝宝想妈妈了啊)

  “Mummy is going back home soon”(很快妈妈可以回家了哦)

  “Mummy really wants to see Charlie very soon”(妈妈好想快点见到宝宝啊)


  “Bye Charlie”(再见宝贝)


  “Bye Mummy”(再见妈妈)






  学习名词: “Little Rabbit (小兔子)” “Carrot(胡萝卜)”

  学习颜色单词:“Orange (橘色)” “Green(绿色)”


  “Can you find where the little rabbit is?”(你能找到小兔子在哪里吗?)

  “Is the little rabbit at home?”(小兔子在家里吗?)

  “ah, yes, the little rabbit is sleeping at home”( 啊,小兔子在家里睡觉呢)

  “Shall we wake the little rabbit up?”(我们叫小兔子起床吧?)

  “Little rabbit, little Rabbit, get up soon”(小兔子小兔子快点起床来玩哦)

  “oh yes, little rabbit just got up and left home” (小兔子起床出门喽)

  “Do you know what little rabbit’s favourite food is ?”(你知道小兔子喜欢吃什么吗?)

  “Little rabbit’s favourite food is carrots”(小兔子最喜欢吃胡萝卜啦)

  “Charlie,do you like to eat carrots?”(宝宝喜欢吃胡萝卜吗?)

  “oh, Charlie does not like to eat carrots” (哦, 宝宝不喜欢吃胡萝卜)

  “But mummy likes to eat carrots”(可是妈妈喜欢吃胡萝卜啊)

  “What is the colour of carrots?”(胡萝卜什么颜色的啊?)

  “Carrots are orange”(胡萝卜是橘色的哦)

  “Yes, orange colour”(对的,是橘色的)

  “Anything else in this house is orange?”(看看我们家还有什么是橘色的呢)

  “Let’s see what are in orange colour. The part of the floor mat is orange, the pumpkin is orange, the Crayola marker is orange, the playdough is orange” (我们一起看一下哦,垫子上有橘色,有橘色的南瓜,有橘色的蜡笔,有橘色的橡皮泥)(指出相应的物品)

  “What’s the colour of the little rabbit? (小兔子是什么颜色的啊?)

  “The little rabbit is green”(小兔子是绿色的哦)

  “Yes, it’s green”(对啦,是绿色的)

  “Anything else in this house is green?”(看看我们家还有什么绿色的啊?)

  “The little tree is green, the grass is green, the spinach is green, the lego box is green, the Crayola marker is green”(小树是绿色的,小草是绿色的,菠菜是绿色的,乐高盒子是绿色的,蜡笔是绿色的)(指出相应的物品)

  “Charlie, do you like green colour?”(宝宝喜欢绿色吗?)

  “Yes, green is a beautiful colour”(是的,绿色是好漂亮的颜色)











  “Charlie, we are going to make a round bread today”(我们今天来做圆形的面包吧)

  “What do we need to make a round bread? Bread, and round cookie cutter”(那我们需要什么呢?面包,还有圆形的模具)

  “This is a big piece of bread, how can we make it as a round bread?”(现在面包是这么大一片,我们怎样把它变成圆形的面包呢)

  “Firstly, we need a chopping board, put it on the table”(先拿出菜板,放在桌子上面)

  “Now we get a big piece of bread, put it on the chopping board”(再拿出一片吐司面包,把面包放在菜板上面)

  “Then we get the round cookie cutter, put it on the big piece of bread”(然后拿出圆形的模具,把圆形的模具放在面包上面)


  “Put your hands on the round cookie cutter”(用手按住圆形的模具)

  “Push the round cookie cutter, and then take it away”(用力按下去,然后拿走圆形的模具)

  “You see, we have a piece of round bread now”(你看,我们就有一个圆形的面包了)

  “Repeat all these steps, we can make more round bread”(就这样,我们可以做好多个圆形的面包)

  “one two three…”(一个,两个,三个。。)

  “Charlie, do you like these round bread? (宝贝,你喜欢这样的圆形面包吗?)

  “Mummy likes these round bread”(妈妈很喜欢这样的的圆形的面包)






  学习名词:“Dump Truck(翻斗车)” “Ramp(斜坡)” “Little Rabbit(小兔子)”

  学习短句:“The little Rabbit and Dump Truck(小兔子和翻斗车)”



  “Let’s start the dump truck”(我们要启动翻斗车了哦)

  “The dump truck is on the way”(翻斗车在路上了)

  “The dump truck is climbing up the ramp”(现在翻斗车要往上走斜坡了)

  “Well done, the dump truck is up to the top”(好棒,翻斗车已经经过了斜坡到达顶端)

  “Now the dump truck is running slowly”(现在翻斗车在慢慢开哦)

  “The dump truck is going down the ramp” (翻斗车往下走斜坡了)

  “Well done, the dump truck is running fast”(翻斗车开的好快)

  “oh, why the dump truck suddenly stopped?”(翻斗车突然停下了哦,为什么呢?)

  “ah, because the little Rabbit wants to get on the dump truck”(原来是小兔子想要坐到翻斗车里面啊)

  “Ok, now the little Rabbit is sitting in the dump truck”(好吧,现在小兔子坐到了翻斗车里面了)

  “The little Rabbit and dump truck now continue their trip”( 小兔子和翻斗车一起继续往前开)

  “The little Rabbit and dump truck are going up the ramp”( 小兔子和翻斗车一起要往上走斜坡了)

  “The little Rabbitand dump truck are going down the ramp”(小兔子和翻斗车一起要往下走斜坡了)

  “The little Rabbit and dump truck stop in front of the house, it’s little Rabit’s home.” (小兔子和翻斗车一起停在了小兔子家门口)

  “The little Rabbit gets off the dump truck and goes back home”(小兔子下车了,回家了)

  “Bye bye, little Rabbit. Bye bye, dump truck”(小兔子bye bye, 翻斗车byebye)






  学习名词:“Wooden block(积木)” “Bridge(小桥)” “Forest(森林)”

  学习形状:“Pillar shaped(柱子形状)” “Triangle(三角形)”



  “Let’s play wooden blocks together”(我们一起来玩积木吧)

  “Look, these are different shapes of wooden blocks”(看一下,这些是不同形状的积木)

  “We gonna use these different shapes of wooden blocks to build a bridge”(我们可以用这些不同形状的积木来变成一座桥吧)

  “This is a pillar shaped wooden block”(这是柱子形状的积木)

  “This is a triangle shaped wooden block”(这是三角形积木)

  “On the left side we put a pillar shaped wooden block”(左边放一块柱子形状的积木)

  “Next to it, we put a triangle shaped wooden block”(旁边再放一块三角形积木)

  “On the right side, we will do the same. Put another one pillar shaped wooden block”(右边放一块柱子形状的积木)

  “Next to it, we put another one triangle shaped wooden block”(旁边再放一块三角形积木)

  “Now we put one pillar shaped wooden block on the top to connect them, it then becomes a little bridge”(再用一块柱子形状的积木把他们连接起来,就是一座简单的桥啦”

  “This is a bridge, we just built a beautiful bridge”(这是一座小桥,我们建了一座好漂亮的小桥啊)

  “Let’s name this bridge”(我们给这座小桥起个名字吧,叫什么好呢)

  “I suggest we can call it Forest Bridge”(我觉得可以叫森林小桥好吗)

  "Cool, I am glad you like this name. This is Forest Bridge. "(太棒了,我很开心你喜欢这个名字。 这就是森林小桥)

  “Guess who can walk over the Forest Bridge?”(谁可以从森林小桥上面走过去呢)

  “Look, all the little animals are here. They will walk over the Forest Bridge one by one”(看,小动物们都来了,排好队一个接一个的过森林小桥吧)

  “Little monkey is walking over the Forest Bridge”(小猴子正从森林小桥上面走过去)


  “Little rabbit is walking over the Forest Bridge”(小兔子正从森林小桥上面走过去)

  “Little squirrel is walking over the Forest Bridge”(小松鼠正从森林小桥上面走过去)

  “Little elephant wants to walk over the Forest Bridge aswell, ahhh, the Forest Bridge just fell down, how can we do it?”(小象也想从森林小桥上面走过去,啊,森林小桥倒掉了,怎么办?)

  “It’s ok, don’t worry. We can use some other wooden blocks to build the Forest Bridge again”(没关系,我们还可以用其他积木再把森林小桥建起来)

  “Maybe this time we can use different colours of wooden blocks to build the Forest Bridge”(这次我们或许可以用其他颜色的积木来建森林小桥哦)。。。






  学习名词:“Bottle(瓶子)” “Rice(米)”

  学习空间名词:“In(里面, 在里面)” “Out(外面,在外面,出来)”

  学习颜色:“White(白色)” “Red(红色)”



  “Do you know what’s the colour of the rice?”(你知道米是什么颜色的?)

  “White. Yes, They are white rice”(白色,白色的米)

  “Do you want to touch and feel them?”(你想要摸一下,感受一下吗?)

  “The white rice is small, the white rice is hard”(白色的米是小小的,白色的米是很硬的)

  “Now I am going to open the bottle ”(现在我要打开这个瓶子)

  “Put the white rice on the spoon”(用勺子装白色的米)

  “Then put the spoon with white rice into the bottle”(然后把装着米的勺子放到瓶子里面)

  “Now the white rice is in the bottle”(现在白色的米已经在瓶子里面)

  “Take the spoon out, then put the cap on and close the bottle”(拿出勺子,盖上盖子和关紧瓶子)

  “Shake the bottle, shake shake shake, do you want to try?”(摇一摇瓶子, 你想要试试吗?)

  “Look, the white rice is dancing in the bottle”(看,白色的米在瓶子里面跳舞呢)

  “Oh, the white rice say: can we get out of the bottle please?” (白色的米问:我们可以到瓶子外面去吗)

  “Charlie, do you want them to come out of the bottle?”(你想让白色的米跑到瓶子外面吗?)

  “Ok, you want them to come out. Let’s get them out of the bottle”(好吧,你想让白色的米到瓶子外面。 让我们把白色的米带出来瓶子外面吧)

  “We are going to pour all the white rice out of the bottle”(我们把白色的米倒出来)

  “Now all the white rice are out of the bottle”(现在白色的米都出来了)

  “There is nothing left in the bottle”(瓶子里面什么都没有了)

  “The bottle is empty”(瓶子里面是空的)

  “I just got a good idea. Do you believe I can make the white rice to red rice? ”(现在我有个好主意,你相信我可以把白色的米变成红色的米吗)

  “How can we make them to red rice?”(怎么样才可以变成红色的米呢)

  “Look what I am going to do”(看着我要做什么哦)

  “Firstly I open the bottle”(首先我打开瓶子)

  “Put some white rice on the spoon”(用勺子装白色的米)

  “Then put the spoon with white rice into the bottle, and take the spoon out”(然后把装着白色的米的勺子放到瓶子里面,把白色的米倒入瓶子然后拿出勺子)

  “I think we need more white rice into the bottle. One spoon, two spoons, three spoons”(我觉得我们需要把更多白色的米放到瓶子里面,一勺,两勺,三勺)

  “Ok, now I think we have enough white rice in the bottle”(我觉得我们有足够的白色的米了)

  “And then let’s put some drops of red food colouring into the bottle”(现在加入一点红色的颜料进去瓶子里面)

  “Put the cap on and close the bottle”(盖上盖子,关紧瓶子)

  “Shake the bottle, shake shake shake”(摇一摇瓶子,再摇一摇)

  “Wow, look , all the white rice have become red rice. Amazing!”(看,白色的米就变成红色的米啦,好棒啊)

  “Now we have red rice in the bottle”(现在我们有红色的米在瓶子里面了)

  “Do you want the red rice to come out of bottle?”(你想要让红色的米跑到瓶子外面吗)

  “Ok, we are going to pour all the red rice out of the bottle”(我们把红色的米倒出来)

  “Now all the red rice are out of the bottle”(现在红色的米都出来了)

  “There is nothing left in the bottle”(瓶子里面什么都没有了)

  “The bottle is empty”(瓶子里面是空的)

  7.Pom Pom 毛绒球


  Pom Pom 毛绒球,盒子,篮子,盘子,勺子



  学习名词:“Pom Pom(毛绒球)”

  学习颜色:“Red(红色)” “Blue(蓝色)” “Yellow(黄色)”

  学习动态介词/空间方位词:“Into(进入)” “On(上面)”

  学习数词:“One(一个)” “Two(两个)” “Three(三个)”



  “Look, we have so many Pom Poms in different colours”(我们有好多不同颜色的毛绒球啊)

  “Hello, Pom Poms!” (毛绒球,你们好!)

  “Let’s play Pom Poms together”(我们一起来玩毛绒球吧)

  “Do you want to touch and fell these different Pom Poms?”(要不要摸一下这几个不同的毛绒球?)

  “How do you feel about the Pom Poms?”(毛绒球摸上去是什么感觉?)

  “Soft? Hard? Yes, Pom Poms are very soft”(软的?硬的?是的,毛绒球是软软的)

  “Let’s find out what different colours of Pom Poms we have. This one is red, this one is blue, and this one is yellow.”(我们来看看有什么颜色的毛绒球?这个是红色的,这个是蓝色的,这个是黄色的)

  “Now Mummy put one red Pom Pom into the basket, two red PomPoms into the basket, three red Pom Poms into the basket”(现在妈妈把一个红色的毛绒球放进篮子里面,两个红色的毛绒球放进篮子里面,三个红色的毛绒球放进篮子里面)

  “Put one yellow Pom Pom into the box, two yellow Pom Poms into the box, three yellow Pom Pomsinto the box”(一个黄色的毛绒球放进盒子里面,两个黄色的毛绒球放进盒子里面,三个黄色的毛绒球放进盒子里面)


  “Put one blue Pom Pom on the plate, two blue Pom Poms on the plate, three blue Pom Poms on the plate”(一个蓝色的毛绒球放到了盘子上面,两个蓝色的毛绒球放到了盘子上面,三个蓝色的毛绒球放到了盘子上面)

  “Look, now the blue Pom Pom is on the spoon”(快看,蓝色的毛绒球又到了勺子上面)

  “Let’s put all the Pom Poms on the floor mat”(现在我们把毛绒球全部放到垫子上面吧)

  “It’s time to tidy up. Let’s put all the Pom Poms back into the box”(我们把毛绒球都放回到盒子里面吧)

  “One, two, three…” (一个,两个,三个)

  “Well done. Now all the Pom Poms are back into the box”(干得好,现在所有毛绒球都回到了盒子里面啦)

  “Say bye bye to Pom Poms”(毛绒球bye bye)

















标签: getthemall安卓手机版

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2024-12-19 23:08:17

盒子里面,三个黄色的毛绒球放进盒子里面)  “Put one blue Pom Pom on the plate, two blue Pom Poms on the plate, three blue Pom Poms on the plate”(一个蓝色的毛绒球放到了盘子上面,两个蓝色的毛绒球放

2024-12-19 19:46:31

ping board”(再拿出一片吐司面包,把面包放在菜板上面)  “Then we get the round cookie cutter, put it on the big piece of bread”(然后

2024-12-20 00:03:30

“Charlie is coming to answer the phone”(查理宝宝来接电话哦)  “dududu, the call now is connected”(嘟嘟嘟,电话接通了哦)  “Hello, Charl